The Perfect Morning Routine - For Lazy Girls


Prepare everything you need for the following day the night before e.g your bag for work, clothes and lunch.

When choosing your outfit make sure its something simple and that it's washed and ironed. You won't have time in the morning to faff about.


Overnight you become dehydrated so once you wake its super important to drink a glass of water straight away.  It will also help wake you up and kickstart your metabolism.

Shake and Stretch

Once you're up its important to get your body moving, start by shaking out your arms and legs and stretching out your body.

Quick Workout

50x Star Jumps(Jumping Jacks)
20x Press Ups
20x Sit Ups


Make sure the water is ice cold for the first 30 seconds, this will really wake you up. Don't have a shower that lasts any longer than 2 Minutes as this will save both time and water.

- Use an invigorating body wash.
- Wash and cleanse your face in the shower.

If you have long hair tie it up and try not to get it wet. If it is looking a bit greasy or just needs a boost use some Dry Shampoo. Check some top ones out here

As soon as you're out of the shower put on your deodorant, this will give it time to dry before you get dressed.

Once you've washed your face it's super important to replace the moisture, use a moisturiser that's kind to your skin and which contains some SPF - this will help protect you from the sun and keep your skin looking youthful.


Because you picked your outfit out the night before this step is quick and easy, throw on your clothes and you're good to go.

If you wear makeup, try to keep it simple, stick to the basics to save on time.


Again keep it simple, stick to food that is quick and easy to make. However, although you want to save on time it's still important to put something decent into your stomach.

If you're really lazy eat some toast straight over the bin it'll save you having to clean up a plate.

Good to go.

Now that you've completed all the steps you're ready to leave. This routine shouldn't take you longer than 30 minutes. Grab your lunch and bag, which you prepared the night before and head to work.

The Original Article was posted on


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