How to make a smoothie?

You Will Need


Additional Extras

Herbal Tea
Vitamin tablets
Protein Powder

To start place your Ice/Water/Milk in the bottom of your blender. Throw in any small foods first and give it a quick whizz. Next, chop up all your Fruit &Veg into small bite-size pieces. Turn the blender on and throw in a handful at a time. Always make sure that everything is blended before you put more food in, you don't want the blender to jam.

Add any additional extras and give it a whizz. These can be anything you have that you want to use to improve your current smoothie, for example, if you're bulking in the gym you would want to add some protein powder. If you're interested in using a herbal tea read this article here on which tea is best.

If your blender has a reverse option make sure you use this as it will dislodge any stuck bits of food. 

Get a chilled glass and gently pour in your mixture. Depending on taste you might like to grate some zest over the top or sprinkle some fresh mint. If the smoothie you have made is for later make sure to place in the refrigerator as soon as possible.


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